GS- Junior Girl Scouts - Robotics

Selected date

Tuesday January 29

Selected time

3:30 PM  –  5:30 PM

Robotics Afternoon


We invite you to join us for a fun afternoon of robotic coding. The girls will be coding robots and sharing their designs. This will support with completing a portion of the Robotics Badges. The girls will be given a sheet with resources to complete the other portions during our Stem Fest on February 9th. This is a first come first serve limited space event. Chaperones are welcome to stay but space will be limited.


Who: Junior Girl Scouts (4th and 5th grade)

When: January 22nd at 3:30-5:30pm OR January 29th at 3:30-5:30

Where: Symmes Hall Roper Mountain Science Center

Fee: $15/ girl
